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Many years of research and millions of case history, just over 3cm.
The system uses an inertial sensor connected via Bluetooth to a computer and allows the determination of spatio-temporal parameters as well as the rotation of the pelvis.

How to use it
The sensor is positioned at the waist to the patient with a special ergonomic belt which does not influence the execution of the motor gesture: in fact the patient can walk freely in any environment.
Accurate assesment
After the analysis , a report is displayed automatically with the calculated parameters during the test. These indices are the result of six years of research and have been validated in major clinical centers. The analysis can be repeated several times in sequence. It is also possible to modify the conditions of the patient (such as for example the use of orthotics or aids to the path) and to verify in real time the effect of the changes. Wiva® Mob can be used to verify the evolution of a therapeutic treatment by controlling the normalization of the measured parameters.

Through the use of the program BIOMECH
you can have the following applications:
Gait analysis that allows the subject to walk freely without any restrictions. This test can be performed both outdoors and indoor, in adults and pediatric subjects. Allows you to perform a complete analysis thanks to the various information provided:
6 Minutes Walking Test
This is an objective evaluation of residual functional ability in patients with neurological and muscular conditions through a six minutes long analysis of continuous walking. This type of testing has become a favorite for patients’ progress monitoring and using Wiva test results have actually become quantifiable.
The analysis of this test is based on:
Timed Up and Go Test
This is a balance evaluation test based on the execution of an easy task allowing us to assess the subject’s functional mobility: from a sitting position the patient is asked to get up and walk for 7 meters, make a 180° turn and go back to the initial sitting position. This test enables us to determine the actual risk of fall, the ability to keep balance while executing such different movements and the walk strategy being used; this evaluation can be performed on different categories of subjects.
The report will show many parameters:
Turn Test
Test used to monitor progression of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease: movement strategy changes become more and more difficult during any change of direction as the disease progresses. Conducting an objective evaluation of walk pattern repetitions with this test becomes even more powerful and easy to use with the Wiva ®. This test results in a complete analysis made of:
Science and Technology of the movement for research, for medicine and for sports